Sunday 25 January 2009

First Weekly Address

Below is a video of President Obama's first weekly address to the nation. In this address, he outlined his recovery plan and warned against inaction in these trying times. 

I really liked the proposition of a new, smarter energy grid. Part of the reason the United States has an energy problem is because we use energy so inefficiently. Hopefully a smarter energy grid will help resolve this problem. I also liked the idea of putting medical records online within five years. I'd prefer if this was done by someone other than the federal government (Google offered to do so - FOR FREE), but I think it's a step in the right direction. Maybe now when I go to the doctor I won't have to fill out the same five-page form for the umpteenth time. Finally, I strongly support, a website that will outline where every dollar goes in the stimulus package. Hopefully President Obama and his administration can win back the trust of the American people after eight years of secrecy and obfuscation under President Bush.

That said, I didn't like his infrastructure improvement programs. While I'm sure President Obama has good intentions, this approach hasn't worked in the past. It didn't work for FDR, local and state governments, or even the Japanese. The twentieth century is littered with examples of this policy failing to bring about substantive results. It might be a psychological boost for those who are back at work, but that's all it is. Also, I don't think the answer to solving our educational problems is more money. Compared to other nations, we spend by far and away the most per pupil, yet receive mediocre math and science results. It's not about the money. It's time to start looking at school administrators, teachers, parents, and the students themselves. There is more than enough blame to go around.

So that's my take. Your thoughts?

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