Wednesday 21 January 2009

Too much hope?

Yesterday was a great day to be an American. The forty-third successful and peaceful transition of power is not something to take lightly. Unfortunately, President Obama takes the reins at a very turbulent time. While his messages of hope and a brighter future for America are inspiring, will President Obama be able to deliver results? I have stated to friends, Republican and Democrat alike, that I'm going to give him a two year grace period. It's unrealistic to expect magic immediately. I feel as if others aren't giving him the same courtesy. There are a lot of Americans with very high expectations for the President. We'll see if he can clear the bar. 

Like me, Politico contributors Jim VandeHei and John Harris are skeptical. With our national debt spinning out of control, can President Obama and Congress spend us out of trouble? What about inflation and our credit rating? Will genius fail? Do good things come from legislation with bipartisan support? Will we be able to navigate a storm previously unseen? At this time, no one can be completely confident in their answers.

Less than four years from now, Republican candidates for all offices will surely echo Ronald Reagan and ask the American people, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" What will be the answer to that question, the most important one of all?

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